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I can't get clients to buy my stuff!

Why Clients Buy: Designing Services for Transformation

July 08, 20248 min read

Ever feel like you can't get people to buy your services?

I've been there – we all have.

And the advice you normally get is "market the benefits, not the features."

But that's not enough to get sales. The truth is, your clients aren't just booking your services — they're investing in the outcomes those services deliver.

So, let's talk about how you can design your services to deliver those outcomes successfully.

The Real Investment

Your clients are not merely booking a coaching session or hiring a marketing consultant; they are investing in the outcomes those services promise.

Would you rather book a coaching session or gain the confidence to transform your life? Hire a marketing consultant or witness your business growth and customer attraction?

It's a fundamental shift in perspective.

Your clients are looking for tangible results, not just the process. They want the confidence boost that comes from a successful coaching session or the business growth that a skilled marketing consultant can facilitate.

This mindset changes how you should approach your service offerings.

When clients choose to work with you, they are envisioning a better future.

They see your services as a pathway to overcoming challenges, achieving goals, and becoming a better version of themselves. This understanding is crucial because it reshapes how you communicate and deliver your services.

Why It Matters

In every scenario, clients are investing in the better future they envision. They are buying the results, solutions to their challenges, and the enhanced version of themselves. This perspective shift is crucial as it can transform how you offer your services and interact with your clients.

Understanding this helps you position your services more effectively.

Instead of focusing solely on what you do, you can highlight the transformational journey your clients will experience. This approach makes your offerings more appealing and relatable, as clients can clearly see the value and impact of your services.

By emphasizing outcomes, you also set clearer expectations.

Clients know what they are working towards and can measure their progress. This not only boosts their confidence in your services but also increases their satisfaction and loyalty.

How to Take Action

  • Focus on the transformation your clients can expect. Highlight real-life results through testimonials and case studies. Show them the journey from where they are to where they want to be, and make it clear that your services are the bridge to that better future.

  • Gather and share success stories from past clients. Use before-and-after scenarios to illustrate the potential changes. Create detailed case studies that walk through the process and results, providing concrete evidence of your effectiveness.

  • Regularly update your content with fresh testimonials and examples. Encourage satisfied clients to share their experiences in written or video formats. The more evidence you can provide of successful outcomes, the more compelling your message will be.

  • Design your services intentionally to create those outcomes. I'll share more on this in the next section...

Designing Services with Outcomes in Mind

It's not enough to tweak your messaging. You need to design your services with the desired outcomes in mind. This means intentionally creating every aspect of your service to help clients achieve their goals.

Start by deeply understanding what your clients hope to achieve.

Conduct surveys, interviews, or focus groups to gather insights into their aspirations and challenges. Use this information to tailor your services to meet their specific needs and desires.

Designing with intent involves aligning every part of your service delivery with the end goal.

From the initial consultation to the final follow-up, each interaction should be purposeful and geared towards helping clients reach their desired outcomes. This ensures a seamless and impactful experience.

Why It Matters

When your services are aligned with client expectations and desired outcomes, you not only sell them on the promise but also ensure you can deliver on that promise. This alignment builds trust and sets the foundation for long-term client relationships.

Clients are more likely to stay loyal and refer others when they see consistent, tangible results.

This consistency reinforces their trust in you and solidifies your reputation as a reliable service provider. By focusing on outcomes, you differentiate yourself from competitors who may only offer generic solutions.

Moreover, intentional design helps you streamline your processes. Knowing exactly what your clients need allows you to create efficient and effective service plans. This reduces wasted time and resources, benefiting both you and your clients.

How to Take Action

  • Start by identifying the specific outcomes your clients are seeking. Then, design your services around these outcomes. For instance, if clients want to grow their business, ensure your marketing consulting sessions include actionable growth strategies. Every detail should contribute to delivering the results they desire.

  • Develop a clear roadmap for your services. Outline the steps clients will take, the milestones they will achieve, and the resources you will provide. Make sure this roadmap is transparent and easy to understand, giving clients a clear view of their journey.

  • Regularly review and refine your service design. Gather feedback from clients to identify areas for improvement. Stay updated with industry trends and adapt your offerings to remain relevant and effective. Continuous improvement ensures that you always deliver the best possible outcomes.

Authentic Engagement and Communication

Authentic communication plays a vital role in building trust and fostering client engagement. Clients are more likely to invest in your services when they feel a genuine connection with you.

Being authentic means being open, honest, and transparent.

Share your experiences, both successes and failures. Show your clients that you understand their struggles because you've been through similar situations. This relatability creates a strong bond and makes you more approachable.

Authenticity also involves showing the human side of your business.

Share behind-the-scenes moments, introduce your team, and give a glimpse into your daily operations. This helps clients see the people behind the services and fosters a sense of trust and familiarity.

Why It Matters

Authenticity helps you build deeper connections and encourages client loyalty. When clients see the real you, they feel more comfortable and confident in their decision to work with you.

An authentic approach can set you apart in a crowded market.

Clients appreciate honesty and transparency, and they are more likely to choose a service provider who they feel genuinely cares about their well-being. This emotional connection enhances their overall experience and satisfaction.

Furthermore, authentic communication encourages client engagement. When clients feel valued and understood, they are more likely to participate in discussions, provide feedback, and become advocates for your services. This engagement strengthens your community and expands your reach.

How to Take Action

Share personal stories and behind-the-scenes moments that resonate with your audience.

Show them that you understand their challenges because you've faced similar ones. Encourage interaction by asking about their experiences and how they envision their future with your services. This not only builds a community but also fosters engagement.

Create content that highlights your journey and the lessons you've learned. Use blog posts, videos, and social media updates to share these stories. Make sure your content is relatable and addresses common pain points your clients face.

Invite your audience to share their stories and experiences. Ask open-ended questions that prompt them to reflect on their journeys and aspirations. This not only fosters a sense of community but also provides valuable insights that can help you improve your services.

Transform Your Client Relationships

Focusing on outcomes, intentional design, and authentic engagement can transform your client relationships. It's about selling the dream and the outcome, not just the service.

By adopting this approach, you create a more meaningful and impactful client experience.

Your clients feel seen, heard, and understood. They recognize that you are committed to their success and are willing to go the extra mile to help them achieve their goals.

This transformation requires a shift in mindset. Move away from simply delivering services to becoming a partner in your clients' success. Show them that you are invested in their journey and dedicated to helping them reach their full potential.

Why It Matters

By adopting this approach, you not only meet client expectations but exceed them, creating loyal clients who are more likely to refer you to others. It enhances your reputation and positions you as a trusted partner in their success.

Loyal clients are the backbone of a sustainable business. They provide repeat business, referrals, and positive reviews. This loyalty is built on trust, satisfaction, and the belief that you genuinely care about their success.

A focus on outcomes and authentic engagement also helps you stand out in a competitive market. Clients are more likely to choose and stick with a service provider who offers personalized, impactful experiences. This differentiation gives you a competitive edge and drives business growth.

How to Take Action

Ready to transform your client relationships and deliver the outcomes they desire?

Book a BLUE-Boost session with me. Let's work together to design services that truly make a difference.

In our BLUE-Boost sessions, we'll dive deep into your goals, challenges, and desired outcomes. Together, we'll create a tailored plan that aligns with your vision and ensures you achieve the results you seek. This is more than just a coaching session; it's a partnership aimed at your success.

business service designclient successcustomer-centric business designBLUE-boost
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Christina Hooper

Business Design Consultant 🚀 Building Your BLUEprint for Success & Fulfillment 🐉Conquering Dragons 🔮 Turning Dreams Into Realized Plans 🥳 Having Fun on the Way

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