Limited Time Offer: Get 50% off your workshop seat

12-week small-group live workshop

Redesign Your Business Into One That Lights You Up and Levels Up Your Life

Show up with your entreprenurial spirit and leave with a comprehensive, personalized plan already put in motion for transforming your business into the life-sustaining, fulfilling entreprise of your dreams.

With Christina's one-of-a-kind BLUEprint framework and guidance, you'll experience clarity, excitement, and passion for your business that will make you fall in love with it all over again.

"You've never experienced anything like this before! I've invested thousands of dollars and hours into other programs and nothing else comes close to what you get with christina."

Join the BLUEprint Business Design Workshop Today!
The Next Cohort Starts on July 09, 2024...

In just 12 weeks, Christina will help you redesign your entire business using her proven BLUEprint Business Design Framework. We tackle everything... who you are as an expert in your field, what you sell, who you sell it to, how you get leads and customers, and so much more.

How Much?

The total cost for the workshop is $12,000 $6,000

We do offer payment plans for anyone that needs that option. You can choose either 3 monthly payments of $2k or 6 monthly payments of $1k. If you pay in full up-front, you'll save $250.

How Long?

6 Months... split into 3 months of planning followed by 3 months of implementation.

For the first 3 months, we'll meet weekly to redesign your business step-by-step. Then I provide 3 months of weekly Q&A calls and support as you implement your plan.

How Big is the Group?

We only allow 10 companies to join each cohort — that means both you & your second-in-command can attend if you're accepted in this cohort.

Applicants are chosen on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you don't make it in this time, you'll go on the waitlist. We run a new group every 3 months.

What if I Miss Sessions?

Every exercise I'm giving you comes with written and video lessons PLUS you'll have the recordings and transcripts from every session.

AND as a bonus, you will be able to go through the whole workshop a second time to help make sure you get it.

What If I'm Not Sure?

Two things... once you submit your application, you'll get invited to meet with Christina before you join and she'll answer any questions you have and will tell you if this isn't going to help you.

PLUS, you can come to the first session free before you commit to the full workshop.

What If I Need More Help?

Christina intentionally built LOTS of support into workshop. You'll get 3 one-on-one calls with her - before, in the middle, and after.

The group is small so she can help everyone. You'll have Q&A calls every week for 6 months and email/text access to Christina the whole time.

STIMULUS DISCOUNTS — It's no secret that most Americans are struggling right now... that's why my services are needed more than ever before. To help more people survive and thrive with their businesses, I'm running BIG discounts on my services for a limited time.

We asked past students...
"What would you say to someone else that's considering taking this workshop?"

There are concepts in the BLUEprint that really shed some light on the overall process of running your business. I've invested so much time and money over the years to get a piece here and a piece there... but the BLUEprint helped me create a plan for my business that I actually want to work.

I couldn't even finish the workshop before I was selling my new product stack before I even had it all planned out. I'm going to do it again!

— James Bullis

This workshop the most transformational business experience I've ever had.

It's literally been the key to resolving what's been keeping me stuck for yearssssssss and now I have the clarity and I've built a business blueprint that lights me up and I'm excited to get to implementing. I'm more productive because Im working on things that bring me joy and excite me.

And what's awesome is we get to go through the workshop twice. The first time was major absorption (ie drinking from a firehose) and some work.

This time I'll use workshop time as implementation sessions and gaining even deeper clarity as I'm working alongside the new cohort. Brilliant.

Prepare to have your mind blown week after week. I would suggest anyone on the fence to take the leap because this price I'm sure will end with this cohort.

10x the value is a massive understatement because it will take yearrrrs and hundreds of thousands of dollars in mistakes and mentorship to learn what you will learn in this 12 week workshop. You've been sufficiently warned lol.

Oh and if you are on the fence, attend the first workshop for free. You'll get value even if you don't decide to stay. 3 hours of value even if you don't stay.

— Victoria "Queen V" Caldwell

You’ve tried on your own. How did that workout? 🧐

Now you have the opportunity to actually organize yourself, your business, and your messaging. You will have the support and hand held guidance to successfully stomp over the barrier in front of you.

When you’re done, you will have the same support and empowerment to celebrate your success. So… what was it you were waiting for?

— Yari Velazquez

Are you ready?

What Do We Cover in the BLUEprint Workshop?

Before we break down what you'll be doing, one thing that's important to understand is how Christina works with you. She's a consultant, not a coach. While she will cheer you on like a coach would, her goal is to give you the answers to the questions you're asking (and a bunch you don't even know to ask yet).

She's your guide on this journey, consulting at each step on what the best next action is for you and your business.

With that in mind, let's diving into the details and show you,
pillar-by-pillar, what you'll get done in this workshop!

Establishing Authority and Magnetism — By positioning yourself as a leader, you'll not only establish your authority but also build a legacy that aligns with your personal values and aspirations. This pillar helps you define your unique expertise and ideal audience, allowing you to attract clients who resonate deeply with your mission.

Through this process, you’ll experience a profound sense of fulfillment, knowing that you are making a meaningful impact and creating a sustainable path for both your business and your personal growth.

Deeply Understanding and Connecting with Your Ideal Client — Focusing on one customer journey allows you to genuinely understand and connect with your ideal client's needs, crafting solutions that truly transform their lives. This pillar ensures you can guide your clients through their challenges and triumphs, fostering long-term relationships built on trust and empathy.

By aligning your business with your customer's journey, you'll create a supportive environment that nurtures both their success and your personal satisfaction, leading to a harmonious and rewarding entrepreneurial experience.

Streamlining Offerings and Maximizing Profitability — Stacking and productizing your services empowers you to offer scalable and manageable solutions, freeing up your time and energy to focus on what matters most. This pillar helps you organize your offerings in a way that maximizes value for your clients while ensuring your business remains efficient and profitable.

By structuring your services thoughtfully, you’ll find balance in your work, reducing stress and increasing your ability to deliver high-quality outcomes consistently, benefiting both your clients and your own well-being.

Attracting a Steady Stream of Ideal Clients — Building a client acquisition plan gives you a clear, sustainable strategy to attract and retain clients who are a perfect fit for your business. This pillar integrates your marketing efforts into a cohesive plan, ensuring you can grow your client base without feeling overwhelmed or burned out.

With a solid acquisition plan, you’ll experience steady growth and build a community of loyal clients, creating a sense of stability and achievement that supports your mental and emotional well-being.

Delivering Outstanding Results and Fostering Loyalty — Creating a client success plan ensures that you can deliver on your promises, fostering high client satisfaction and long-term loyalty. This pillar focuses on mapping out detailed plans to consistently achieve successful outcomes, gather powerful testimonials, and continuously improve your services.

By prioritizing your clients’ success, you’ll build trust and credibility, which in turn nurtures your own confidence and reduces the stress of uncertainty, helping you feel more secure and valued in your entrepreneurial journey.

Ensuring Business Efficiency and Scalability — Installing a company operating system is about creating reliable processes and systems that keep your business running smoothly, even when you’re not there. This pillar emphasizes the importance of standard operating procedures (SOPs) and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) to maintain high standards and scalability.

With a strong operating system in place, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing your business is resilient and efficient, allowing you to focus on your personal well-being and future growth.

Securing Your Freedom and Business Continuity — Creating an exit plan is about envisioning a future where you can step back from the daily grind while ensuring your business thrives without you. This pillar guides you in developing strategies to delegate responsibilities, nurture future leaders, and plan for eventual ownership transfer or sale.

By preparing for your exit, you’re securing not just the future of your business, but also your own freedom and flexibility, giving you the space to pursue new passions, spend time with loved ones, and enjoy the fruits of your hard work.

Is that what you need?

As you were reading all that, where you thinking —
"That would be amazing if my business had that!"

The good news... you're just a few short months away from having all that, and more...

What we just witnessed was freakin' amazing. It was inspiring! This is why we watch sports, because it's fun to watch a person at the pinnacle of something. It's fun to watch someone who's sculpted themselves into a paragon of excellence. What you just did — it felt like magic. That was awesome. — Kasim Aslam

What will you be doing each week?

Simple... Discover, Design, Do.

With every exercise that Christina takes you through, she'll follow this simple process over and over.

Discover = She'll teach you the fundamentals you need to know. She'll make sure you understand why you're doing each one too, so you're not left feeling like something is pointless or unnecessary.

Design = You'll work on your own design for your business with Christina guiding you every step of the way.

Do = You'll implement what you discovered and designed into your business.

First 12 Weeks = Discover + Design

You'll meet with Christina and the rest of your group each week on Tuesdays for 3 hours. During that session, she'll be teaching you each lesson and giving you time to work on the exercises right there in the workshop.

Then on Thursdays, you have access to an optional Q&A session with Christina to help you work through any challenges. Some students plan to use these sessions for accountability and working sessions to get more done each week.

Final 12 Weeks = Do

You're doing a lot of design work on your business in that first 12 weeks, so to help you succeed in making those changes to your business, you get an additional 12 weeks of support.

During this time, you can go through the whole workshop again if you'd like, OR you can simply utilize the Thursday Q&A sessions for additional support.

BONUS: You'll also be invited to join The Neuro-Spicy Academy where you'll have access to a hand-selected group of mentors (including Christina) and additional resources to help you implement your design faster, easier, and more successfully.

Does that sound like it'd help you?

You're just a few steps away from joining the most unique workshop you've ever seen...

YES! Christina you're my new favorite expert. I've learned so much from you just in the short time that I've been working with you and I've just been absolutely thrilled with everything that we've done together and I hope to continue working with you in the future. — Kristin Cales

What happens after you apply?

The process of joining this workshop is really simple....

Step 1: Submit Your Application — When you click the button, you'll see a simple application. Fill that out with some essential information. That helps Christina be prepared with some knowledge about where you're at now and what you're trying to accomplish.

Step 2: Meet with Christina — Next, you'll be invited to meet with Christina one-on-one. This gives you both a chance to get to know eachother privately before you begin the group workshop, make sure the workshop is a great fit for you, and answer any questions you have.

Step 3: You're In — If you both agree that this workshop is what you need, then you're in. We'll get you added to the community, the calendar invites for the calls, and setup your payment plan (if you needed one).

A business that's built with the entrepreneur's needs and desires at it's core is FAR more stable and successful.

The systems Christina teaches are designed to work WITH your unique life, neurotype, and goals.

We know that you're more effective if you enjoy what you're doing each day... and that's more than just what you sell.

You have to enjoy the marketing you're doing, enjoy the staff you're leading, and the clients you're meeting with too.

When you're in love with your business it shows.

And we know how to make that a reality.

Christina is Here to Support Your Journey

Hey! I'm Christina "Blue" Hooper

Since 2007, I've worked with thousands of misfit entrepreneurs working hard to carve a slice of success for themselves.

From websites and marketing to branding, copywriting, development, computer programming, engineering, non-profit, personal development, business design, consulting, coaching, design, and so much more!

Through it all, I've discovered the subtle signs that lead to success or failure for different entrepreneurs. I've dedicated years of my life to improving the journey for entrepreneurs that think different, do different, and create ripples of change in their corners of the world.

Learn more about me at

17+ Years of Experience in Business

50+ Certifications in Biz & Marketing

4,500+ Entrepreneurs Leveled-Up

7 Business Pillars + Dozens of Exercises

I'm celebrating a partnership with Doctors For Providers! We had a meeting today and it went amazingly well. Now we have a VERY lucrative partnerships. They will be adding me to their resource page, my services will be offered in every discovery call, and they will do a social media blast announcing our partnership. What's best of all is they don't have anyone like me, no other marketing company 🎉 The cherry on top... they work with franchises💕 — Yari

Christina did a great job of explaining the content in the challenge — which I was super appreciative of. She gave us a lot of great resources to where we could do homework each day and get feedback. She was super responsive. From my perspective the entire experience was great all around. — Thomas McMillan

Just had a (paid) call with a new client — she’s level one of my avatar — and the call was so chaotic (to me anyway) and I felt like I really sucked (hello imposter syndrome), but then she said ‘oh my god where have you been all my life’ and was so excited to work together and said this was the most helpful thing she’s had in a while. I was like whatttttt!? I’m writing this in my journal of wins! — Jade

ADHDers are 300% more likely to start a business, but we're also more likely to be one of the 90% that fail within 10 years.

Christina's on a mission to revolutionize the entrepreneurial experience for ADHDers.

It's about understanding deeply, unlocking your potential, and building businesses that aren't just successful, but fulfilling and sustainable. I'm creating a space where differences are strengths, where every challenge is a chance to innovate, and where everyone gets to live their best life through the journey of entrepreneurship.

I'll challenge you to build a business that fuels your passions and gives you freedom without forcing you into crappy bro-marketer tactics or strategies that you hate. I firmly believe that you have to enjoy your business AND your life if both are going to be successful, so I focus on you. No cookie-cutters, only customized solutions.

Just finished up critiquing my speech for Friday. It's a really good speech! It's hilarious and education and goes for an hour completely with loads of funny stories. — Jo

10 out of 10 any day of the week — I'm always willing to learn something from Christina. Very valuable expert and she really knows her stuff, especially on the content side. I really appreciate you. Thank you so much and I can't wait to get ready to implement this stuff.

— Louis Newkirk

Just finished up critiquing my speech for Friday. It's a really good speech! It's hilarious and education and goes for an hour completely with loads of funny stories. — Jo

I really love the way that Christina teaches her information. She is a no-fluff type of teacher. She gets right to the juicy stuff. I really enjoyed the trainings and got a lot of out of them and was able to implement them immediately. — Manny Torres

I’m working on the Content Ecosystem Map we were talking about last night… it is SO much better for me to see it this way… at least right now.

I’m working with ChatGPT and it is actually fun work and gets me excited. Thanks so much for this… my brain gets it!!!! — Gwen

We're On a Mission to Revolutize the Entrepreneurial Experience

We're here to change the game for neurodivergent entrepreneurs. It's about understanding deeply, unlocking potential, and building businesses that aren't just successful but fulfilling.

Together, we're creating a space where differences are strengths, where every challenge is a chance to innovate, and where everyone gets to live their best life through the journey of entrepreneurship.

4685 Happy Valley Rd, Unit #349, Flintstone, GA 30725

2024 Sparkitive, LLC - All Rights Reserved

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This is a safe space. We support people being awesome people, no matter their race, creed, gender, sex, country, religion, or choice in TV shows. The only people that aren't welcome here are the a-holes that don't agree with that.